Our Family in the early years, starting with Ron Wyatt, (Dad); Loretta, (Mom); Michelle, (Daughter); Danny, (Son); Ronnie, (Son).  Mom and Dad divorced when we were still young, and in our adulthood, Dad married MaryNell. He was married to her at the time of his death in 1999.

Dad was a loving father. He taught us to love God and to love others. He was always willing to help a neighbor and loved an opportunity to witness for the Lord.

Often when visiting churches and organizations to tell about his work, Dad would bring copies of his book to sale. He never failed to tell the audience that if you cannot afford one to just drop by and see him and he'd loan them a copy. He was sincere and he rarely got a loan back, but that was just fine. With Dad, it was about getting folks to wake up to the fact that God does exist and He wants a relationship with you.

Our shared faith in God combined with the witness of dad's ceaseless searching for Bible truth has strengthened the bonds of our family. We truly appreciate you visiting our site and welcome any kind words you wish to share.

You may email us via the contact us page. If you traveled with Dad and have something to share, we hope you will write and let us know if we can share your message with others.

Thanks again and
God bless!

Dennis & Michelle

The Discoveries of Ron Wyatt